Mommy Blend
Baby On BoardOur Mommy Blend is the next generation pre and post natal supplement. It has been specifically formulated to contain all of the essential vitamins and minerals that both you and your bundle of joy need throughout all three trimesters, and beyond. Research shows that certain nutrients, like folic acid and iron, are essential for a healthy pregnancy and can reduce the chance of birth defects. Prenatal vitamins, like our Mommy Blend, that include these key nutrients are recommended for women who are pregnant, planning to become pregnant and who are breastfeeding.
Research suggests that the components in our Mommy Blend:
Provide all the essential vitamins and minerals you and your baby need – and more!
Support your baby’s brain development
Support blood cell formation
Reduces risk of your baby developing allergies



No Artificial Additives
A unique formula

Optimised Formulation
Specifically formulated to contain all of the essential vitamins and minerals that both you and your bundle of joy need throughout all three trimesters, and beyond.

Vegan Formulation
Our Mommy Blend contains no unnecessary fillers and is ideal for vegans.

Up to one-third of people are thought to carry gene variants that make it difficult to efficiently utilise folic acid. We use MTHF, the most bioavailable form that can be most easily and effectively utilised by the body.

Research suggests that taking the strand of probiotics in our Mommy Blend during pregnancy can improve your baby’s immune system and reduce the likelihood of your child later developing allergies.
Benefits backed by science
Folate is an essential nutrient best known for supporting the development of your baby's brain and spinal cord during pregnancy. Low folate levels in pregnant women have been linked to birth abnormalities, such as neural tube defects. While many supplements utilise folic acid, the synthetic form of folate, it's not necessarily the most bioavailable option. We use MTHF in our Mommy Blend, the most bioavailable form that can be most easily and effectively utilised by the body.
Iron deficiency is the most common micronutrient deficiency in the world and disproportionately affects pregnant women and young children. Iron deficiency has negative effects on pregnancy outcomes in women and on immune function and neurodevelopment in children. In children, iron deficiency is said to cause developmental delays and behavioral disturbances, and in pregnant women, it increases the risk for a preterm delivery and delivering a low-birthweight baby.
Probiotics have a range of health benefits. They help maintain gut health, support a healthy immune system, help maintain a balanced mood, support cardiovascular health and more. Scientific evidence suggests that taking probiotics, specifically lactobacillus rhamnosus, during pregnancy, can improve your baby’s immune system and reduce the likelihood of your child later developing allergies.

Why take our Mommy Blend
Optimised Formulation
Our Mommy Blend contains:
Folate: An essential nutrient best known for supporting the development of your baby's brain and spinal cord during pregnancy. We use MTHF in our Mommy Blend, the most bioavailable form that can be most easily and effectively utilised by the body.
Iron: A mineral that your body uses to make extra blood (hemoglobin) for you and your baby during pregnancy. Iron also helps move oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body, and to your baby's.
Probiotics (lactobacillus rhamnosus): Studies have shown that a baby has a reduced risk of developing allergic symptoms when the mother takes this probiotic strain during pregnancy and when breastfeeding.
Vegan Formulation
Our team created our Mommy Blend in an optimised vegan formula, which includes all of the essential vitamins and minerals you and your baby need.
Interesting Facts
Up to one-third of people are thought to carry gene variants that make it difficult to efficiently utilise folic acid.
The best dietary sources of natural folate include:
Fresh fruits
Leafy greens
The short answer: Yes. Folic acid is the form used in many supplements because it’s cheap and highly stable. The caveat? Once folic acid enters a cell, it needs to be converted into 6S-5-Methyltetrahydrofolate (MTHF) by several key enzymes before your body can use it. And up to one-third of men and women have a genetic variation that can impact the last step of the conversion.
Research suggests you can take Mommy Blend when it's convenient for you. We'd recommend earlier in the day and with a meal and water to help absorption, particularly if you suffer from pregnany nausea.
Tea, coffee, bran and some medications can block plant iron (non-heme iron) being taken up by the body. Drinks rich in calcium such as milk block the absorption of iron in the gut. Limit iron blockers when you are eating foods rich in iron.